Cumulus forms the major visual marker for the axis of, and the central Artwork for the newly completed Town Square of Rhodes, Sydney. Cumulus is a large scale work sitting on key sight lines of Rhodes. The work playfully imagines clouds as large massive and angular forms that bump and coalesce into each other.

Large facetted lightweight slabs float, bump into one another, and coalesce to form a towering crisp formation that is a reimagining of the spaces between clouds. The work suggests a strange unitised modelling of cloud formation with towering blocks suspended overhead in seeming weightlessness.

As an artist, Stuart Green has always been interested in clouds, and often painted them as massive weighty structures rather than vapour-like wisps. Here the work becomes a structure in actuality, across which light plays across to reveal its facetted surfaces and larger tectonic moves.

The work is made primarily made from light weight fibre reinforced foam and resin, which allows the large forms to be cantilevered out into space with very little support. Specialised engineering and fabrication methods were key to the sculpture’s success.